July 2022
NEW - Email Preview by Screen Size
This month the team has released a new feature to help you ensure your LoyaltyLoop emails look great on all device types of various screen sizes.
What does this feature do?
When composing emails in LoyaltyLoop, this feature allows you to see how your emails will appear on different size screens, such as phones, tablets and computers. This allows you to ensure your emails are formatted appropriately for the variety of devices used by your customers today.
Feature availability
Survey Invitation Email
Survey Reminder Email
48-Hr Follow-Up Email
Start Campaign Email
Basic plan
Promoter plan
Settings, Survey section
Settings, Survey section
Settings, Review section
Feedback, Opportunities
Using this feature
When composing your emails in the above elements, click the Preview button to view your email in the Preview panel. Above the Preview panel you’ll now see 3 icons representing the different device/screen types. From left to right they are: phone, table, and computer.
By default, the Preview is set to display the email as if viewed on a computer screen. Clicking the tablet icon displays your email as if viewed on the smaller screen of a tablet, and clicking the phone icon displays your email as if viewed on the smallest of screens like phones (shown below).
Use this handy feature to ensure all of your LoyaltyLoop emails always look the best.
Did you know you can set dynamic scales on dashboard charts?
You can set the dashboard to display your Customer Experience charts using either “Full Scale” or “Dynamic Scale”.
Full Scale will show your trendlines on a scale from -100 to +100 (NPS®), and 0 to 100 (CSAT and PQUAL).
Dynamic Scale only shows the scales based on the actual data of each chart.
This helps you view variation in your trendlines more easily.
Did you know you can set your dashboard widgets to use the same date range as the charts?
On the bottom of your dashboard you'll find a number of helpful widgets that display your results. You can click the 3 dot menu above and to the right of the widgets to set the date range to use the above chart date range or not. If not selected, the widgets display the results for “this month”.
Did you know your dashboard widgets are clickable?
Clicking on the data values in the first 3 widget boxes on your dashboard, or clicking on the other widget boxes on your dashboard, will take you directly to that section of LoyaltyLoop. This is a great shortcut, for example, to find all your Detractor comments.
Did you know you can remove elements from your charts?
When viewing your charts, sometimes you may wish to remove an element to focus on certain results.
To do this, simply click on the legend name of the item you wish to hide in the chart.
To make it visible again, click the lined-out legend again.
Did you know you can maximize the dashboard charts for easier viewing?
If you want to get a better view of your dashboard charts, you can maximize them. Move your mouse to the upper right region of any chart, and you’ll see the maximize/minimize icon appear. Click it to maximize. When finished viewing your large chart, click the icon again to minimize it.