Intuit Quickbooks

Native Automation

Automate Your Feedback Loop!

If you use Quickbooks (Online or Desktop) run your business, and you keep track of customers details inside Quickbooks, LoyaltyLoop is the perfect customer experience and review platform for you.

Quickbooks offers native report automation functionality in both Quickbooks Online and some Desktop versions that will automatically send your Quickbooks customer contact details such as name and email address to your LoyaltyLoop account.

You can configure this native automation to trigger reports from your Quickbooks Online or Quickbooks Desktop versions.

  • Set it, and forget it!
  • Engage customer soon after their experience
  • Send requests as often as daily
  • Save time (and money) not running manual reports

Below are the guides to setting up the Quickbooks automation. There is no additional cost to your LoyaltyLoop subscription to use these reports.

“You can't correct your problems without getting the bad with the good, and since our customers are given an outlet to voice concerns through LoyaltyLoop, we are now running at a much higher satisfaction rating than ever before. Thank you!”

Thomas M.

Aiken SC

business owner

Photo by Meg Boulden on Unsplash

How to configure an automated report in Quickbooks Online

These instructions explain how to set up your LoyaltyLoop survey export file and automatically schedule the report to be emailed to LoyaltyLoop on your selected survey launch frequency. You will only need to set this up once. Once configured, your survey export file will be automatically sent to LoyaltyLoop on your selected schedule allowing us to execute your customer feedback loop.

  1. Sign in to your QuickBooks Online (QBO) account
  2. Click Reports from the left main menu
  3. In the report search box, search for and select Transaction List by Customer
  4. qbo report
  5. Give your report a name like “LoyaltyLoop Monthly Export” or “Transaction List by Customer for LoyaltyLoop”
  6. qbo report
  7. Click Group by, and deselect any grouping
  8. qbo report
  9. Set the Report period to match the frequency you wish to survey your recent customers. For example, if you wish to survey customers weekly, then select “Last Week”. For daily, select “Yesterday”. For monthly, select “Last Month”.
  10. qbo report
  11. Click Filter, and set 3 filters: (1) Customer is not empty (default), (2) Date is Last Week or the period you set from the prior step, (3) select the Transaction types to Invoice and Sales Receipt. If you also wish to survey prospects, select Estimates. If you use any other Transaction Types to track sales to your customers, select those Types too.
  12. qbo report
  13. Click Columns, and select Delivery Address (which is the email address), Customer, Billing or Shipping Address, Sales Rep, PO#. There is no limit to the fields you can include. If you see a field that you think would be helpful to have associated when you view the customer’s feedback in LoyaltyLoop, add the field.
  14. qbo report
  15. Click Save or Save as
  16. qbo report
  17. Look at the report on screen. In the column labeled Delivery Address, you should see email addresses for your customers. If you do not, or if any are missing, add email addresses to the customer’s record. Make sure you have a process to enter email addresses for each new customer in the future. NOTE: Do not worry about duplicate email addresses, if you see any. LoyaltyLoop will apply filters to remove duplicates, remove bad email addresses, and remove any customer surveyed in the prior 90/120/180 days per your system settings.
  18. Now, click More actions, then Schedule report
  19. qbo report
  20. Name this Workflow something like “LoyaltyLoop Report” or “Management Reports”
  21. qbo report
  22. Complete the schedule form by entering when and where this report should be sent to LoyaltyLoop. If you intend to send surveys weekly, schedule it to be sent to us at the start of the week. Write a subject for the email like “LoyaltyLoop launch file” and a body, and enter your LoyaltyLoop Launch File Email Address in the Send to field, add yourself to the CC field if you wish to receive a copy too. Lastly, click Save and turn on.
  23. qbo report

Your report is now set and scheduled to be sent to LoyaltyLoop so your customer feedback surveys launch automatically.

How to configure an automated report in Quickbooks Desktop

QuickBooks Desktop has several versions, but the menus should look very similar to those in this guide. To generate customer lists for LoyaltyLoop, please use these steps as a general guide, and use other resources such as videos on YouTube for scheduled reports in Quickbooks Desktop for you specific version. This guide was generated using QuickBooks Pro 2015 Edition.

  1. Please go to Reports/Sales/Sales by Customer Detail as directed below.
  2. qb desktop report
  3. Once the Sales by Customer Detail is visible on your screen please click Customize Reports.
  4. qb desktop report
  5. Within the pop-up box select the date you would like. Select the data range that corresponds to your chosen LoyaltyLoop launch frequency. Meaning, if you wish to survey customers weekly, select “Last Week”, or if you wish to survey customers monthly, select “Last Month”. Review and select the fields to include in your report. For most businesses, the 7 fields shown (#2) is sufficient.
  6. qb desktop report
  7. Click Excel/Create New Worksheet as shown below.
  8. qb desktop report
  9. Click Export and save to a folder of your choice. Sign in to LoyaltyLoop, click Launches from the left main menu and upload your report to your Launch Pad. You can also email the report to your unique Launch File Email Address.
  10. qb desktop report
  11. If your version of QuickBooks allows you to schedule and email the report automatically, set the report to run on a daily, weekly or monthly basis (to match your desired LoyaltyLoop launch frequency), and set the TO field for the email to you and your unique Launch File Email Address.