June 2024


Choosing the right survey scales

siora photography photo

Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

When developing your customer survey, it is important to choose the right answer choices or scales, but how do you decide?

For custom questions, our team will help you determine the optimal scale. For the customer experience (CX) questions, including Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), Product Quality (PQUAL), Customer Effort Score (CES) and Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS), the 3 primary scales to choose from.

  • 11-point scale
  • 5-phrase scale
  • 3-emoji scale

In the image below, you see the 3 primary scales used in LoyaltyLoop, aligned to the Net Promoter Score corresponding groupings of Promoter, Passive and Detractor.

loyaltyloop visual cross-sell

While these are the primary scales, there can be variations of each. For the vast majority of our customers, they choose either the 11-point scale or 5-phrase scale. The 3 emoji scale may appear to be the simplest for your respondents, but lacks the granularity the other 2 scales offer you.

Pros & Cons

There are 2 main pros of the 11-point scale:

  1. The use of zero as the lowest choice. In our culture, it is difficult (although not impossible) for a respondent to mistake zero as something good. Scales that use a 1 can sometime confuse customers into thinking 1 is good, as in we’re #1.
  2. There are 2 choices that relate to Promoters, both 9 and 10. Some respondents are “never top choice” people. Regardless who much they love working with you, they will never give a 10. To address this, the 11-point scale on the NPS question maps Promoters to both 9 and 10 responses. Similarly, NPS Passive respondents map to both 7 and 8, and Detractors are 0 through 6.

By far, the biggest pro of the 5-phrase scale is its simplicity. It is very easy on the respondent, by offering a limited number of choices, yet provides good granularity for your results. The primary con is that when statistically mapped to the 11-point scale, it provides only one choice for NPS Promoters and Passives.

If you start with the 5-phrase scale and see a high number of Passive customers, this might indicate you have a lot of “never top choice” customers. You might consider switching to the 11-point scale. The general rule of thumb is to pick a scale, and stick with it so that historical responses are comparable. Rely on our team to help you decide.


Did you know you can share testimonials on social channels?

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Photo by Piotr Cichosz on Unsplash

When customers give you glowing testimonials, LoyaltyLoop gives you a simple way to publish them on your website, and share them on your social channels. There’s no better way to promote your business than in the words of your own happy customers, and LoyaltyLoop makes that easy to do.

You can share any published testimonial on your social channels in seconds. Navigate to your Testimonial section. First, set the filter to view only published testimonials. Next, set the date picker to view all dates, or the date range that contains the testimonials you’d like to share.

Now, notice the Share icon on the row of each published testimonial. Simply click the icon, and then select the social channel on which you’d like to share it, then hit the Share button. If this is your very first time sharing from within LoyaltyLoop, you will be challenged to sign in to that social site.

testimonial share icon

Every published testimonial has its very own page and dedicated URL, that renders it in the same style as your testimonial publisher settings. Copy the URL and share it in emails, newsletters or any other place.

single testimonial page

You don’t need to share every day, but perhaps you get in the habit of doing Testimonial Tuesday, where each week you share a great testimonial with your followers to amplify why customers love working with your business.

Watch a 60 second video showing exactly how easy it is to share your published testimonials on social.


Quickbooks - native report automation

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Software: Quickbooks (Online & Desktop)

Automation: Native

If you use Quickbooks (Online or Desktop) run your business, and you keep track of customers details inside Quickbooks, LoyaltyLoop is the perfect customer experience and review platform for you.

Quickbooks offers native report automation functionality in both Quickbooks Online and some Desktop versions that will automatically send your Quickbooks customer contact details such as name and email address to your LoyaltyLoop account.

You can configure this native automation to trigger reports from your Quickbooks Online or Quickbooks Desktop versions.

  • Set it and forget it!
  • Engage the customer soon after their transaction
  • Send requests as often as daily
  • Save time (and money) not running report queries

Don't waste time manaully generating your LoyaltyLoop reports in Quickbooks - leverage these native report automation features.


Datto Autotask - native report automation

datto autotask logo

Software: Datto Autotask

Automation: Native

If you are a managed service provider (MSP), technology service provider (TSP) or internal IT team running Autotask, LoyaltyLoop is the perfect customer experience and review platform for you. Check out their native automated report capability to streamline your customer, and post-ticket feedback and review processes.

Datto Autotask has native report automation functionality that will send your Autotask customer contact info (i.e., customers to be surveyed) to your LoyaltyLoop account automatically.

  • Set it and forget it!
  • Engage the customer soon after their transaction
  • Send requests as often as daily
  • Save time (and money) not running report queries

Automate your customer and post-ticket feedback and review loop using Autotask's native report automation features.


Leveraging Net Promoter Score in Your Business

Section 7: What Not to Do with NPS. Avoid these common pitfalls.

It can be tempting to use rewards and gimmicks to increase your NPS, but this does not lead to lasting improvements in your customer’s experiences. Providing a coupon in return for a review might influence a customer to return to your business, but it does not actually improve any of your customers’ experiences. Also, once the coupons stop coming, they will look elsewhere as you have devalued your services in their eyes. Avoid coupons, rewards, and bonuses to drive NPS.

Do not punish your staff for low NPS scores (of course there are exceptions to this for malicious acts, HR violations, etc). Complaints that Detractors identify might be out of their hands or are process-oriented issues. Work with your staff to understand gaps in service and strategize together how to fix it. Looping your staff into the process is key to future success. Working with them, not against them, will benefit both of you in the long run.

Under no circumstances should you offer compensation to customers for positive reviews or positive feedback. Not only is this unethical, but you are only hurting yourself because you are losing the true benefit of NPS, which is making improvements to your business that benefit your customers by listening to real, authentic, unaltered feedback - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

It is easy to get caught up tracking NPS and focusing too much on it. While NPS is a powerful tool for improving your business, it is not the only tool. It is important to have a well-rounded customer experience (CX) approach and know that NPS is not the be-all end-all of your success. Likewise, attaining a perfect NPS score is not the goal. The goal is to incrementally improve your score over time.

Tune in next month for the next section from our latest whitepaper “Leveraging Net Promoter Score in Your Business”.

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Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

“Creating good employee experience is the first step in good customer experience. Customers experience your brand and company through your employees, so empowering and educating them is not only a good business practice, but a good branding practice.

According to this article from Entrepreneur.com, “When employees are engaged, they are far more likely to ensure customers are satisfied with your products or services — because they’re able to deliver great things.

And consistent customer engagement is the gateway to maintaining your customer relationships throughout their lifetime.”

Read full article on Entrepreneur.com