January 2023
New Print System Integrations

Photo by JJ Ying on Unsplash
This month, we're releasing 2 print system integrations. If you're running either of these systems in your business, using the integrations will make your life easier.
All of our automations eliminate the need to manually upload or send your customer contacts to LoyaltyLoop. When you close a transaction, the customer contact info for that transaction, along with additional data about the transaction, will flow automatically on a daily basis into your LoyaltyLoop account. Since data flows daily, you can have LoyaltyLoop engage your customer soon after they've experienced your business.
- Set it, and forget it!
- Engage the customer soon after their transaction
- Send requests as often as daily
- Get continual feedback and reviews - it's fully automatic!
- No work for you to do - saves you time and money.
You can add either integration to any Basic or Promoter plan at no additional cost.

Software: EPMS
Automation: API Integration
Automatically flow your EPMS transaction contact details into your LoyaltyLoop account to automate your feedback and review cycle.
For more details, check out the press release, and please visit our LoyaltyLoop EPMS integration page below.

Software: PrintReach Printers Plan
Automation: (1) API Integration, (2) Local Agent
Regardless of whether you're running the cloud-hosted or locally-installed version of Printers Plan, your contact data (i.e., customers to be surveyed) will be sent automatically to your LoyaltyLoop account when you set the Printers Plan DateShipped field. Instead of remembering to upload your contacts manually, and sending all feedback requests only once a month, send requests for feedback and reviews as frequently as daily. Read the Press Release here, and check out the details below.
New CRM Integration

Software: ClientTether CRM
Automation: API Integration
If you use the leading franchise CRM, ClientTether, you can now take advantage of our new integration. When you complete an opportunity in ClientTether, the customer contact info and other opportunity data, will be sent on a daily basis to your LoyaltyLoop account automatically. This allows you to start the feedback and review loop soon after the customer opportunity has been complete.
- Set it, and forget it!
- Engage the customer soon after their transaction
- Send requests as often as daily
You can add the ClientTether integration to any Basic or Promoter plan at no additional cost. Check out the details.
New Dealer System Integration

Software: Harley-Davidson Dealer Systems (HDDS) Talon
Automation: Local Agent
Harley-Davidson dealers running Harley-Davidson Dealer Systems (HDDS) Talon software can now automate the process of gathering feedback and reviews.
Customer contact details for closed transactions will flow automatically and securely into your LoyaltyLoop account, kicking off your customer feedback and review loop. It's fully automatic!
Our HDDS Agent gives you the flexibility to engage the correct customers for your Harley-Davidson dealership. You can set your LoyaltyLoop to engage up to 4 Talon customer types, including (1) Bike Deals, (2) Work Orders, (3) Point of Sale, and (4) Wholesale Vehicles.
- Set it, and forget it!
- Engage the customer soon after their transaction
- Send requests as often as daily
You can add the Harley-Davidson Dealer System (HDDS) Talon Agent to any Basic or Promoter plan at no additional cost. Check out the details below.
Video Feedback and Testimonials
This month, we are releasing a fantastic new enhancement for LoyaltyLoop Promoter plan subscribers - capturing video feeback and publishing video testimonials to your website .
Written comments
The optional media upload question on your Promoter plan survey now supports video feedback uploads, in addition to the image uploads as previously released. This means your customers can now provide feedback to you in 3 ways:
We all know that there’s no better way to promote your business than in the words of your happy customers. LoyaltyLoop has enabled this for years with our popular Testimonial Publisher, which allows you to curate and display your customer testimonials directly on your website, and share them to your social channels.
Now, in addition to text and images, your customers can upload videos with their survey response, and publishing video testimonials to your website works the same as comments and images.
In your Testimonial section, if the customer included images or videos with their feedback, you'll see either an image or video icon under Media column. Hovering your mouse over the icon will allow you to preview the media. Each browser handles media preview their own way, and video testimonials can be large, so it might take a second for preview to start.
When publishing testimonials to your website, by default, all media will be published along with the customer's comment. To control which media are included in a published testimonial, click the Edit (pencil) icon under the Action column. You'll see the full comment and each media. If you do not want media to show in the published testimonial, simply flip the “Show Media” switch from Yes to No. Back on the main Testimonial page, the icon in the Media column will be grayed-out to indicate it is not attached to your live published testimonial.
You can also preview your testimonials before they are published to your website. Using the preview feature is a great way to ensure you have successfully edited the testimonial to your liking. The Preview feature is available in both the Testimonial page, and in Settings for Testimonial Publisher Widgets.
Whether you already have image uploads or not, adding the video testimonials to your Promoter Plan service has no additional cost. When adding this feature, we will also update your survey to the mobile-optimized theme so that your customers can use their phones to take pictures and/or videos from your survey.
If you use our Testimonial Publisher Widget with your website, multimedia testimonials can be published to your site as soon as your survey has been updated. If you use our API to collect and publish testimonials, please refer to our API documentation, or our support team, for help in updating your testimonial publisher implementation.
Join us at IFA 2023 Convention, booth #225!
If you’re planning to attend the annual International Franchise Association convention this year in Las Vegas (Feb 26 to Mar 1), please remember to swing by booth 225 to visit with LoyaltyLoop. We look forward to seeing you there!